File: wp-includes/rest-api/search/class-wp-rest-post-format-search-handler.php
Core class representing a search handler for post formats in the REST API.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 1 function | Source: wp-includes/rest-api/search/class-wp-rest-post-format-search-handler.php:17 -
Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-includes/rest-api/search/class-wp-rest-post-format-search-handler.php:24 -
Searches the post formats for a given search request.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 5 functions | Source: wp-includes/rest-api/search/class-wp-rest-post-format-search-handler.php:41 -
Filters the query arguments for a REST API post format search request.
Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-includes/rest-api/search/class-wp-rest-post-format-search-handler.php:61 -
Prepares the search result for a given post format.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 2 functions | Source: wp-includes/rest-api/search/class-wp-rest-post-format-search-handler.php:105 -
Prepares links for the search result.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-includes/rest-api/search/class-wp-rest-post-format-search-handler.php:135