File: wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php
Gets the target links for a REST API Link.
Returns whether the REST server is currently dispatching / responding to a request.
Gets the encoding options passed to {@see wp_json_encode}.
Filters the JSON encoding options used to send the REST API response.
Exposes the site icon through the WordPress REST API.
Exposes an image through the WordPress REST API.
Exposes the site logo through the WordPress REST API.
Adds a link to the active theme for users who have proper permissions.
Gets the maximum number of requests that can be included in a batch.
Filters the maximum number of REST API requests that can be included in a batch.
Serves the batch/v1 request.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 12 functions | Source: wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php:1717 -
Matches a request object to its handler.
Dispatches the request to the callback handler.
Filters the list of response headers that are exposed to REST API CORS requests.
Filters the list of request headers that are allowed for REST API CORS requests.
Filters the REST API response.
Removes an HTTP header from the current response.
Filters the response immediately after executing any REST API callbacks.
Filters the response before executing any REST API callbacks.
Retrieves the CURIEs (compact URIs) used for relations.
Extracts headers from a PHP-style $_SERVER array.
Filters the publicly-visible data for REST API routes.
Retrieves publicly-visible data for the route.
Sends an HTTP status code.
Sends an HTTP header.
Sends multiple HTTP headers.
Retrieves the raw request entity (body).
Retrieves the publicly-visible data for routes.
Filters the publicly-visible data for a single REST API route.
Matches the request to a callback and call it.