File: wp-includes/post.php
Fires immediately after a post is deleted from the database.
Fires immediately before a post is deleted from the database.
Filters the list of available post MIME types for the given post type.
Prime the cache containing the parent ID of various post objects.
Registers any additional post meta fields.
Filters query arguments passed to WP_Query in get_pages.
Updates parent post caches for a list of post objects.
Updates post author user caches for a list of post objects.
Fires after a specific post type is registered.
Filters whether a post type is considered “viewable”.
Filters whether a post status is considered “viewable”.
Uses wp_checkdate to return a valid Gregorian-calendar value for post_date.
Determines whether a post status is considered “viewable”.
Determines whether a post is publicly viewable.
Filters callback which sets the status of an untrashed post to its previous status.
Fires actions after a post, its terms and meta data has been saved.
Fires once a post, its terms and meta data has been saved.
Filters the status that a post gets assigned when it is restored from the trash (untrashed).
Filters whether an attachment deletion should take place.
Filters post types (in addition to ‘post’) that require a default category.
Filters whether or not to add a `__trashed` suffix to trashed posts that match the name of the updated post.
Retrieves the path to an uploaded image file.
Filters the path to the original image.
Retrieves the URL to an original attachment image.
Filters the URL to the original attachment image.
Filters whether a post is sticky.
Filters the post slug before it is generated to be unique.
Fires once an existing post has been updated.
Sets the last changed time for the ‘posts’ cache group.
Returns whether a post type is compatible with the block editor.