File: wp-includes/class-wp-theme-json-resolver.php
Adds variations sourced from block style variations files to the supplied theme.json data.
Adds variations sourced from the block styles registry to the supplied theme.json data.
Determines if a supplied style variation matches the provided scope.
Resolves relative paths in theme.json styles to theme absolute paths and returns them in an array that can be embedded as the value of `_link` object in REST API responses.
Resolves relative paths in theme.json styles to theme absolute paths and merges them with incoming theme JSON.
Returns an array of all nested JSON files within a given directory.
When given an array, this will remove any keys with the name `//`.
Filters the data provided by the user for global styles & settings.
Filters the data provided by the theme for global styles and settings.
Gets the styles for blocks from the block.json file.
Filters the data provided by the blocks for global styles & settings.
Filters the default data provided by WordPress for global styles & settings.
Checks whether the registered blocks were already processed for this origin.
Returns the style variations defined by the theme.
Returns the custom post type that contains the user’s origin config for the active theme or an empty array if none are found.
Returns the user’s origin config.
Returns the ID of the custom post type that stores user data.
Cleans the cached data so it can be recalculated.
Returns the theme’s data.
Returns the data merged from multiple origins.
Determines whether the active theme has a theme.json file.
Builds the path to the given file and checks that it is readable.
Class that abstracts the processing of the different data sources for site-level config and offers an API to work with them.
Processes a file that adheres to the theme.json schema and returns an array with its contents, or a void array if none found.
Converts a tree as in i18n-theme.json into a linear array containing metadata to translate a theme.json file.
Returns a data structure used in theme.json translation.
Translates a chunk of the loaded theme.json structure.
Given a theme.json structure modifies it in place to update certain values by its translated strings according to the language set by the user.
Returns core’s origin config.