File: wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor.php
Returns the default compression quality setting for the mime type.
Filters the image editor output format mapping.
Check if a JPEG image has EXIF Orientation tag and rotate it if needed.
Filters the `$orientation` value to correct it before rotating or to prevent rotating the image.
Gets the Image Compression quality on a 1-100% scale.
Either calls editor’s save function or handles file as a stream.
Returns first matched mime-type from extension, as mapped from wp_get_mime_types()
Gets dimensions of image.
Returns first matched extension from Mime-type, as mapped from wp_get_mime_types()
Sets current image size.
Sets Image Compression quality on a 1-100% scale.
Filters the default image compression quality setting.
Filters the JPEG compression quality for backward-compatibility.
Returns preferred mime-type and extension based on provided file’s extension and mime, or current file’s extension and mime.
Filters default mime type prior to getting the file extension.
Builds an output filename based on current file, and adding proper suffix
Builds and returns proper suffix for file based on height and width.
Base image editor class from which implementations extend
Streams current image to browser.
Each instance handles a single file.
Checks to see if current environment supports the editor chosen.
Checks to see if editor supports the mime-type specified.
Loads image from $this->file into editor.
Saves current image to file.
Resizes current image.
Resize multiple images from a single source.
Crops Image.
Rotates current image counter-clockwise by $angle.
Flips current image.