File: wp-includes/class-wp-embed.php
Returns embed HTML for a given URL from embed handlers.
Finds the oEmbed cache post ID for a given cache key.
Filters the oEmbed TTL value (time to live).
Triggers a caching of all oEmbed results.
Filters the array of post types to cache oEmbed results for.
Passes any unlinked URLs that are on their own line to WP_Embed::shortcode() for potential embedding.
Callback function for WP_Embed::autoembed().
Conditionally makes a hyperlink based on an internal class variable.
Filters the returned, maybe-linked embed URL.
Filters the cached oEmbed HTML.
Filters whether to inspect the given URL for discoverable link tags.
Deletes all oEmbed caches. Unused by core as of 4.0.0.
API for easily embedding rich media such as videos and images into content.
Processes the [embed] shortcode.
If a post/page was saved, then output JavaScript to make an Ajax request that will call WP_Embed::cache_oembed().
Registers an embed handler.
Unregisters a previously-registered embed handler.
The do_shortcode() callback function.
Filters the returned embed HTML.