File: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php
Tells the script loader to load the scripts and styles of custom blocks if the widgets block editor is enabled.
Begins keeping track of the current sidebar being rendered.
Finishes keeping track of the current sidebar being rendered.
Filters sidebars_widgets to ensure the currently-rendered widget is the only widget in the current sidebar.
Renders a specific widget using the supplied sidebar arguments.
Inject selective refresh data attributes into widget container elements.
Ensures the HTML data-* attributes for selective refresh are allowed by kses.
Filters arguments for dynamic widget partials.
Adds hooks for selective refresh.
List whether each registered widget can be use selective refresh.
Determines if a widget supports selective refresh.
Retrieves the widget control markup parts.
Determines whether the widgets panel is active, based on whether there are sidebars registered.
Retrieves the option that was captured from being saved.
Refreshes the nonce for widget updates.
Retrieves the widget setting type given a setting ID.
Inspects the incoming customized data for any widget settings, and dynamically adds them up-front so widgets will be initialized properly.
Determines the arguments for a dynamically-created setting.
Determine if a widget is rendered on the page.
Determines if a sidebar is rendered on the page.
Updates widget settings asynchronously.
Determines whether the captured option update should be ignored.
Communicates the sidebars that appeared on the page at the very end of the page, and at the very end of the wp_footer,
Retrieves captured widget option updates.
Tracks the widgets that were rendered.
Retrieves the number of captured widget option updates.
Tallies the sidebars rendered via is_active_sidebar().
Begins keeping track of changes to widget options, caching new values.
Tallies the sidebars rendered via dynamic_sidebar().
Pre-filters captured option values before updating.