File: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-manager.php
Prepares panels, sections, and controls.
Adds a customize setting.
Enqueues scripts for customize controls.
Retrieves a customize setting.
Registers some default controls.
Removes a customize setting.
Callback for validating the header_textcolor value.
Adds a customize section.
Retrieves a customize section.
Removes a customize section.
Adds a customize control.
Fires once the Customizer preview has initialized and JavaScript settings have been printed.
Filters the active theme and return the name of the previewed theme.
Prints base element for preview frame.
Handles customize_save WP Ajax request to save/update a changeset.
Prints a workaround to handle HTML5 tags in IE < 9.
Fires once the theme has switched in the Customizer, but before settings have been saved.
Prints JavaScript settings for preview frame.
Fires after Customize settings have been saved.
Prints a signature so we can ensure the Customizer was properly executed.
Removes the signature in case we experience a case where the Customizer was not properly executed.
Determines whether it is a theme preview or not.
Retrieves the template name of the previewed theme.
Retrieves the stylesheet name of the previewed theme.
Retrieves the template root of the previewed theme.
Prints JavaScript settings.
Retrieves the stylesheet root of the previewed theme.
Gets the theme being customized.
Gets the registered settings.
Gets the registered controls.