File: wp-admin/includes/post.php
Autosave the revisioned meta fields.
Fires after processing the post data for bulk edit.
Disables block editor for wp_navigation type posts so they can be managed via the UI.
This callback disables the content editor for wp_navigation type posts.
This callback enables content editor for wp_navigation type posts.
Filters the postbox classes for a specific screen and box ID combo.
Sanitizes POST values from a checkbox taxonomy metabox.
Sanitizes POST values from an input taxonomy metabox.
Returns only allowed post data fields.
Prepares server-registered blocks for the block editor.
Renders the meta boxes forms.
Fires right before the meta boxes are rendered.
Renders the hidden form required for the meta boxes form.
Adds hidden input fields to the meta box save form.
Filters the size used to display the post thumbnail image in the ‘Featured image’ meta box.
Filters the sample permalink.
Returns the query variables for the current attachments request.
Fires before an autosave is stored.
Filters the number of items per page to show for a specific ‘per_page’ type.
If the ‘postcustom’ meta box is enabled, then we need to perform some extra initialization on it.
Marks the post as currently being edited by the current user.
Outputs the HTML for the notice to say that someone else is editing or has taken over editing of this post.
Filters whether to show the post locked dialog.
Filters whether to allow the post lock to be overridden.
Fires inside the post locked dialog before the buttons are displayed.
Fires inside the dialog displayed when a user has lost the post lock.
Returns the HTML of the sample permalink slug editor.
Creates autosave data for the specified post from `$_POST` data.
Filters the sample permalink HTML markup.
Saves a draft or manually autosaves for the purpose of showing a post preview.