File: wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php
Filters the posts displayed in the ‘Most Recent’ tab of the current post type’s menu items meta box.
Filters the Walker class used when adding nav menu items.
Returns the columns for the nav menus page.
Deletes orphaned draft menu items
Saves nav menu items.
Prints the appropriate response to a menu quick search.
Save posted nav menu item data.
Register nav menu meta boxes and advanced menu items.
Adds custom arguments to some of the meta box object types.
Limit the amount of meta boxes to pages, posts, links, and categories for first time users.
Returns the menu formatted to edit.
Creates meta boxes for any post type menu item.
Filters whether a menu items meta box will be added for the current object type.
Creates meta boxes for any taxonomy menu item.
Check whether to disable the Menu Locations meta box submit button and inputs.
Displays a meta box for the custom links menu item.
Displays a meta box for a post type menu item.
Filters the posts displayed in the ‘View All’ tab of the current post type’s menu items meta box.
Displays a meta box for a taxonomy menu item.