File: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader-skin.php
Hides the `process_failed` error message when updating by uploading a zip file.
Displays the header before the bulk update process.
Displays the footer following the bulk update process.
Performs an action following an update.
Outputs JavaScript that calls function to decrement the update counts.
Displays a message about the update.
Performs an action before an update.
Generic Skin for the WordPress Upgrader classes. This skin is designed to be extended for specific purposes.
Sets the relationship between the skin being used and the upgrader.
Sets up the strings used in the update process.
Sets the result of an upgrade.
Displays a form to the user to request for their FTP/SSH details in order to connect to the filesystem.
Displays the header before the update process.
Displays the footer following the update process.
Displays an error message about the update.