File: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-site-health.php
Filters actionable information to tackle the problem. It can be a link to an external guide.
Filters description to be shown on Site Health warning when threshold is met.
Calculates total amount of autoloaded data.
Tests the number of autoloaded options.
Filters max bytes threshold to trigger warning in Site Health.
Tests available disk space for updates.
Tests if plugin and theme temporary backup directories are writable or can be created.
Returns a list of available persistent object cache services.
Filters the persistent object cache services available to the user.
Filters the threshold below which a response time is considered good.
Determines whether to suggest using a persistent object cache.
Filters whether to suggest use of a persistent object cache and bypass default threshold checks.
Filters the thresholds used to determine whether to suggest the use of a persistent object cache.
Returns a list of headers and its verification callback to verify if page cache is enabled or not.
Filters the list of cache headers supported by core.
Checks if site has page cache enabled or not.
Gets page cache details.
Gets the threshold below which a response time is considered good.
Tests if a full page cache is available.
Tests if the site uses persistent object cache and recommends to use it if not.
Filters the action URL for the persistent object cache health check.
Filters the second paragraph of the health check’s description when suggesting the use of a persistent object cache.
Outputs the content of a tab in the Site Health screen.
Checks if the current environment type is set to ‘development’ or ‘local’.
Tests if the Authorization header has the expected values.
Tests if plugin and theme auto-updates appear to be configured correctly.
Tests if ‘file_uploads’ directive in PHP.ini is turned off.
Checks for potential issues with plugin and theme auto-updates.
Tests if there’s an active PHP session that can affect loopback requests.
Creates a weekly cron event, if one does not already exist.