Register a callback for a hook
stringrequired- Hook name
callablerequired- Function/method to call on event
intrequired- Priority number. <0 is executed earlier, >0 is executed later
public function register($hook, $callback, $priority = 0) {
if (is_string($hook) === false) {
throw InvalidArgument::create(1, '$hook', 'string', gettype($hook));
if (is_callable($callback) === false) {
throw InvalidArgument::create(2, '$callback', 'callable', gettype($callback));
if (InputValidator::is_numeric_array_key($priority) === false) {
throw InvalidArgument::create(3, '$priority', 'integer', gettype($priority));
if (!isset($this->hooks[$hook])) {
$this->hooks[$hook] = [
$priority => [],
} elseif (!isset($this->hooks[$hook][$priority])) {
$this->hooks[$hook][$priority] = [];
$this->hooks[$hook][$priority][] = $callback;
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