Prepares taxonomy data for return in an XML-RPC object.
WP_Taxonomyrequired- The unprepared taxonomy data.
arrayrequired- The subset of taxonomy fields to return.
protected function _prepare_taxonomy( $taxonomy, $fields ) {
$_taxonomy = array(
'name' => $taxonomy->name,
'label' => $taxonomy->label,
'hierarchical' => (bool) $taxonomy->hierarchical,
'public' => (bool) $taxonomy->public,
'show_ui' => (bool) $taxonomy->show_ui,
'_builtin' => (bool) $taxonomy->_builtin,
if ( in_array( 'labels', $fields, true ) ) {
$_taxonomy['labels'] = (array) $taxonomy->labels;
if ( in_array( 'cap', $fields, true ) ) {
$_taxonomy['cap'] = (array) $taxonomy->cap;
if ( in_array( 'menu', $fields, true ) ) {
$_taxonomy['show_in_menu'] = (bool) $taxonomy->show_in_menu;
if ( in_array( 'object_type', $fields, true ) ) {
$_taxonomy['object_type'] = array_unique( (array) $taxonomy->object_type );
* Filters XML-RPC-prepared data for the given taxonomy.
* @since 3.4.0
* @param array $_taxonomy An array of taxonomy data.
* @param WP_Taxonomy $taxonomy Taxonomy object.
* @param array $fields The subset of taxonomy fields to return.
return apply_filters( 'xmlrpc_prepare_taxonomy', $_taxonomy, $taxonomy, $fields );
- apply_filters( ‘xmlrpc_prepare_taxonomy’,
array $_taxonomy ,WP_Taxonomy $taxonomy ,array $fields ) Filters XML-RPC-prepared data for the given taxonomy.
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