Adds the generic strings to WP_Upgrader::$strings.
public function generic_strings() {
$this->strings['bad_request'] = __( 'Invalid data provided.' );
$this->strings['fs_unavailable'] = __( 'Could not access filesystem.' );
$this->strings['fs_error'] = __( 'Filesystem error.' );
$this->strings['fs_no_root_dir'] = __( 'Unable to locate WordPress root directory.' );
/* translators: %s: Directory name. */
$this->strings['fs_no_content_dir'] = sprintf( __( 'Unable to locate WordPress content directory (%s).' ), 'wp-content' );
$this->strings['fs_no_plugins_dir'] = __( 'Unable to locate WordPress plugin directory.' );
$this->strings['fs_no_themes_dir'] = __( 'Unable to locate WordPress theme directory.' );
/* translators: %s: Directory name. */
$this->strings['fs_no_folder'] = __( 'Unable to locate needed folder (%s).' );
$this->strings['no_package'] = __( 'Package not available.' );
$this->strings['download_failed'] = __( 'Download failed.' );
$this->strings['installing_package'] = __( 'Installing the latest version…' );
$this->strings['no_files'] = __( 'The package contains no files.' );
$this->strings['folder_exists'] = __( 'Destination folder already exists.' );
$this->strings['mkdir_failed'] = __( 'Could not create directory.' );
$this->strings['incompatible_archive'] = __( 'The package could not be installed.' );
$this->strings['files_not_writable'] = __( 'The update cannot be installed because some files could not be copied. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.' );
$this->strings['dir_not_readable'] = __( 'A directory could not be read.' );
$this->strings['maintenance_start'] = __( 'Enabling Maintenance mode…' );
$this->strings['maintenance_end'] = __( 'Disabling Maintenance mode…' );
/* translators: %s: upgrade-temp-backup */
$this->strings['temp_backup_mkdir_failed'] = sprintf( __( 'Could not create the %s directory.' ), 'upgrade-temp-backup' );
/* translators: %s: upgrade-temp-backup */
$this->strings['temp_backup_move_failed'] = sprintf( __( 'Could not move the old version to the %s directory.' ), 'upgrade-temp-backup' );
/* translators: %s: The plugin or theme slug. */
$this->strings['temp_backup_restore_failed'] = __( 'Could not restore the original version of %s.' );
/* translators: %s: The plugin or theme slug. */
$this->strings['temp_backup_delete_failed'] = __( 'Could not delete the temporary backup directory for %s.' );
Version | Description |
2.8.0 | Introduced. |
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