Processes a file that adheres to the theme.json schema and returns an array with its contents, or a void array if none found.
stringrequired- Path to file. Empty if no file.
protected static function read_json_file( $file_path ) {
if ( $file_path ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $file_path, static::$theme_json_file_cache ) ) {
return static::$theme_json_file_cache[ $file_path ];
$decoded_file = wp_json_file_decode( $file_path, array( 'associative' => true ) );
if ( is_array( $decoded_file ) ) {
static::$theme_json_file_cache[ $file_path ] = $decoded_file;
return static::$theme_json_file_cache[ $file_path ];
return array();
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