Takes changed blocks and matches which rows in orig turned into which rows in final.
arrayrequired- Lines of the original version of the text.
arrayrequired- Lines of the final version of the text.
public function interleave_changed_lines( $orig, $final ) { // phpcs:ignore Universal.NamingConventions.NoReservedKeywordParameterNames.finalFound
// Contains all pairwise string comparisons. Keys are such that this need only be a one dimensional array.
$matches = array();
foreach ( array_keys( $orig ) as $o ) {
foreach ( array_keys( $final ) as $f ) {
$matches[ "$o,$f" ] = $this->compute_string_distance( $orig[ $o ], $final[ $f ] );
asort( $matches ); // Order by string distance.
$orig_matches = array();
$final_matches = array();
foreach ( $matches as $keys => $difference ) {
list($o, $f) = explode( ',', $keys );
$o = (int) $o;
$f = (int) $f;
// Already have better matches for these guys.
if ( isset( $orig_matches[ $o ] ) && isset( $final_matches[ $f ] ) ) {
// First match for these guys. Must be best match.
if ( ! isset( $orig_matches[ $o ] ) && ! isset( $final_matches[ $f ] ) ) {
$orig_matches[ $o ] = $f;
$final_matches[ $f ] = $o;
// Best match of this final is already taken? Must mean this final is a new row.
if ( isset( $orig_matches[ $o ] ) ) {
$final_matches[ $f ] = 'x';
} elseif ( isset( $final_matches[ $f ] ) ) {
// Best match of this orig is already taken? Must mean this orig is a deleted row.
$orig_matches[ $o ] = 'x';
// We read the text in this order.
ksort( $orig_matches );
ksort( $final_matches );
// Stores rows and blanks for each column.
$orig_rows = array_keys( $orig_matches );
$orig_rows_copy = $orig_rows;
$final_rows = array_keys( $final_matches );
* Interleaves rows with blanks to keep matches aligned.
* We may end up with some extraneous blank rows, but we'll just ignore them later.
foreach ( $orig_rows_copy as $orig_row ) {
$final_pos = array_search( $orig_matches[ $orig_row ], $final_rows, true );
$orig_pos = (int) array_search( $orig_row, $orig_rows, true );
if ( false === $final_pos ) { // This orig is paired with a blank final.
array_splice( $final_rows, $orig_pos, 0, -1 );
} elseif ( $final_pos < $orig_pos ) { // This orig's match is up a ways. Pad final with blank rows.
$diff_array = range( -1, $final_pos - $orig_pos );
array_splice( $final_rows, $orig_pos, 0, $diff_array );
} elseif ( $final_pos > $orig_pos ) { // This orig's match is down a ways. Pad orig with blank rows.
$diff_array = range( -1, $orig_pos - $final_pos );
array_splice( $orig_rows, $orig_pos, 0, $diff_array );
// Pad the ends with blank rows if the columns aren't the same length.
$diff_count = count( $orig_rows ) - count( $final_rows );
if ( $diff_count < 0 ) {
while ( $diff_count < 0 ) {
array_push( $orig_rows, $diff_count++ );
} elseif ( $diff_count > 0 ) {
$diff_count = -1 * $diff_count;
while ( $diff_count < 0 ) {
array_push( $final_rows, $diff_count++ );
return array( $orig_matches, $final_matches, $orig_rows, $final_rows );
Version | Description |
2.6.0 | Introduced. |
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