WP_Text_Diff_Renderer_Table::interleave_changed_lines( array $orig, array $final ): array

In this article

Takes changed blocks and matches which rows in orig turned into which rows in final.


Lines of the original version of the text.
Lines of the final version of the text.


array Array containing results of comparing the original text to the final text.
  • orig_matches array
    Associative array of original matches. Index == row number of $orig, value == corresponding row number of that same line in $final or 'x' if there is no corresponding row (indicating it is a deleted line).
  • final_matches array
    Associative array of final matches. Index == row number of $final, value == corresponding row number of that same line in $orig or 'x' if there is no corresponding row (indicating it is a new line).
  • orig_rows array
    Associative array of interleaved rows of $orig with blanks to keep matches aligned with side-by-side diff of $final. A value >= 0 corresponds to index of $orig.
    Value < 0 indicates a blank row.
  • final_rows array
    Associative array of interleaved rows of $final with blanks to keep matches aligned with side-by-side diff of $orig. A value >= 0 corresponds to index of $final.
    Value < 0 indicates a blank row.


public function interleave_changed_lines( $orig, $final ) { // phpcs:ignore Universal.NamingConventions.NoReservedKeywordParameterNames.finalFound

	// Contains all pairwise string comparisons. Keys are such that this need only be a one dimensional array.
	$matches = array();
	foreach ( array_keys( $orig ) as $o ) {
		foreach ( array_keys( $final ) as $f ) {
			$matches[ "$o,$f" ] = $this->compute_string_distance( $orig[ $o ], $final[ $f ] );
	asort( $matches ); // Order by string distance.

	$orig_matches  = array();
	$final_matches = array();

	foreach ( $matches as $keys => $difference ) {
		list($o, $f) = explode( ',', $keys );
		$o           = (int) $o;
		$f           = (int) $f;

		// Already have better matches for these guys.
		if ( isset( $orig_matches[ $o ] ) && isset( $final_matches[ $f ] ) ) {

		// First match for these guys. Must be best match.
		if ( ! isset( $orig_matches[ $o ] ) && ! isset( $final_matches[ $f ] ) ) {
			$orig_matches[ $o ]  = $f;
			$final_matches[ $f ] = $o;

		// Best match of this final is already taken? Must mean this final is a new row.
		if ( isset( $orig_matches[ $o ] ) ) {
			$final_matches[ $f ] = 'x';
		} elseif ( isset( $final_matches[ $f ] ) ) {
			// Best match of this orig is already taken? Must mean this orig is a deleted row.
			$orig_matches[ $o ] = 'x';

	// We read the text in this order.
	ksort( $orig_matches );
	ksort( $final_matches );

	// Stores rows and blanks for each column.
	$orig_rows      = array_keys( $orig_matches );
	$orig_rows_copy = $orig_rows;
	$final_rows     = array_keys( $final_matches );

	 * Interleaves rows with blanks to keep matches aligned.
	 * We may end up with some extraneous blank rows, but we'll just ignore them later.
	foreach ( $orig_rows_copy as $orig_row ) {
		$final_pos = array_search( $orig_matches[ $orig_row ], $final_rows, true );
		$orig_pos  = (int) array_search( $orig_row, $orig_rows, true );

		if ( false === $final_pos ) { // This orig is paired with a blank final.
			array_splice( $final_rows, $orig_pos, 0, -1 );
		} elseif ( $final_pos < $orig_pos ) { // This orig's match is up a ways. Pad final with blank rows.
			$diff_array = range( -1, $final_pos - $orig_pos );
			array_splice( $final_rows, $orig_pos, 0, $diff_array );
		} elseif ( $final_pos > $orig_pos ) { // This orig's match is down a ways. Pad orig with blank rows.
			$diff_array = range( -1, $orig_pos - $final_pos );
			array_splice( $orig_rows, $orig_pos, 0, $diff_array );

	// Pad the ends with blank rows if the columns aren't the same length.
	$diff_count = count( $orig_rows ) - count( $final_rows );
	if ( $diff_count < 0 ) {
		while ( $diff_count < 0 ) {
			array_push( $orig_rows, $diff_count++ );
	} elseif ( $diff_count > 0 ) {
		$diff_count = -1 * $diff_count;
		while ( $diff_count < 0 ) {
			array_push( $final_rows, $diff_count++ );

	return array( $orig_matches, $final_matches, $orig_rows, $final_rows );



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