WP_Query::parse_tax_query( array $q )

Parses various taxonomy related query vars.


For BC, this method is not marked as protected. See [28987].


The query variables. Passed by reference.


public function parse_tax_query( &$q ) {
	if ( ! empty( $q['tax_query'] ) && is_array( $q['tax_query'] ) ) {
		$tax_query = $q['tax_query'];
	} else {
		$tax_query = array();

	if ( ! empty( $q['taxonomy'] ) && ! empty( $q['term'] ) ) {
		$tax_query[] = array(
			'taxonomy' => $q['taxonomy'],
			'terms'    => array( $q['term'] ),
			'field'    => 'slug',

	foreach ( get_taxonomies( array(), 'objects' ) as $taxonomy => $t ) {
		if ( 'post_tag' === $taxonomy ) {
			continue; // Handled further down in the $q['tag'] block.

		if ( $t->query_var && ! empty( $q[ $t->query_var ] ) ) {
			$tax_query_defaults = array(
				'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
				'field'    => 'slug',

			if ( ! empty( $t->rewrite['hierarchical'] ) ) {
				$q[ $t->query_var ] = wp_basename( $q[ $t->query_var ] );

			$term = $q[ $t->query_var ];

			if ( is_array( $term ) ) {
				$term = implode( ',', $term );

			if ( str_contains( $term, '+' ) ) {
				$terms = preg_split( '/[+]+/', $term );
				foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
					$tax_query[] = array_merge(
							'terms' => array( $term ),
			} else {
				$tax_query[] = array_merge(
						'terms' => preg_split( '/[,]+/', $term ),

	// If query string 'cat' is an array, implode it.
	if ( is_array( $q['cat'] ) ) {
		$q['cat'] = implode( ',', $q['cat'] );

	// Category stuff.

	if ( ! empty( $q['cat'] ) && ! $this->is_singular ) {
		$cat_in     = array();
		$cat_not_in = array();

		$cat_array = preg_split( '/[,\s]+/', urldecode( $q['cat'] ) );
		$cat_array = array_map( 'intval', $cat_array );
		$q['cat']  = implode( ',', $cat_array );

		foreach ( $cat_array as $cat ) {
			if ( $cat > 0 ) {
				$cat_in[] = $cat;
			} elseif ( $cat < 0 ) {
				$cat_not_in[] = abs( $cat );

		if ( ! empty( $cat_in ) ) {
			$tax_query[] = array(
				'taxonomy'         => 'category',
				'terms'            => $cat_in,
				'field'            => 'term_id',
				'include_children' => true,

		if ( ! empty( $cat_not_in ) ) {
			$tax_query[] = array(
				'taxonomy'         => 'category',
				'terms'            => $cat_not_in,
				'field'            => 'term_id',
				'operator'         => 'NOT IN',
				'include_children' => true,
		unset( $cat_array, $cat_in, $cat_not_in );

	if ( ! empty( $q['category__and'] ) && 1 === count( (array) $q['category__and'] ) ) {
		$q['category__and'] = (array) $q['category__and'];
		if ( ! isset( $q['category__in'] ) ) {
			$q['category__in'] = array();
		$q['category__in'][] = absint( reset( $q['category__and'] ) );
		unset( $q['category__and'] );

	if ( ! empty( $q['category__in'] ) ) {
		$q['category__in'] = array_map( 'absint', array_unique( (array) $q['category__in'] ) );
		$tax_query[]       = array(
			'taxonomy'         => 'category',
			'terms'            => $q['category__in'],
			'field'            => 'term_id',
			'include_children' => false,

	if ( ! empty( $q['category__not_in'] ) ) {
		$q['category__not_in'] = array_map( 'absint', array_unique( (array) $q['category__not_in'] ) );
		$tax_query[]           = array(
			'taxonomy'         => 'category',
			'terms'            => $q['category__not_in'],
			'operator'         => 'NOT IN',
			'include_children' => false,

	if ( ! empty( $q['category__and'] ) ) {
		$q['category__and'] = array_map( 'absint', array_unique( (array) $q['category__and'] ) );
		$tax_query[]        = array(
			'taxonomy'         => 'category',
			'terms'            => $q['category__and'],
			'field'            => 'term_id',
			'operator'         => 'AND',
			'include_children' => false,

	// If query string 'tag' is array, implode it.
	if ( is_array( $q['tag'] ) ) {
		$q['tag'] = implode( ',', $q['tag'] );

	// Tag stuff.

	if ( '' !== $q['tag'] && ! $this->is_singular && $this->query_vars_changed ) {
		if ( str_contains( $q['tag'], ',' ) ) {
			$tags = preg_split( '/[,\r\n\t ]+/', $q['tag'] );
			foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) {
				$tag                 = sanitize_term_field( 'slug', $tag, 0, 'post_tag', 'db' );
				$q['tag_slug__in'][] = $tag;
		} elseif ( preg_match( '/[+\r\n\t ]+/', $q['tag'] ) || ! empty( $q['cat'] ) ) {
			$tags = preg_split( '/[+\r\n\t ]+/', $q['tag'] );
			foreach ( (array) $tags as $tag ) {
				$tag                  = sanitize_term_field( 'slug', $tag, 0, 'post_tag', 'db' );
				$q['tag_slug__and'][] = $tag;
		} else {
			$q['tag']            = sanitize_term_field( 'slug', $q['tag'], 0, 'post_tag', 'db' );
			$q['tag_slug__in'][] = $q['tag'];

	if ( ! empty( $q['tag_id'] ) ) {
		$q['tag_id'] = absint( $q['tag_id'] );
		$tax_query[] = array(
			'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',
			'terms'    => $q['tag_id'],

	if ( ! empty( $q['tag__in'] ) ) {
		$q['tag__in'] = array_map( 'absint', array_unique( (array) $q['tag__in'] ) );
		$tax_query[]  = array(
			'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',
			'terms'    => $q['tag__in'],

	if ( ! empty( $q['tag__not_in'] ) ) {
		$q['tag__not_in'] = array_map( 'absint', array_unique( (array) $q['tag__not_in'] ) );
		$tax_query[]      = array(
			'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',
			'terms'    => $q['tag__not_in'],
			'operator' => 'NOT IN',

	if ( ! empty( $q['tag__and'] ) ) {
		$q['tag__and'] = array_map( 'absint', array_unique( (array) $q['tag__and'] ) );
		$tax_query[]   = array(
			'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',
			'terms'    => $q['tag__and'],
			'operator' => 'AND',

	if ( ! empty( $q['tag_slug__in'] ) ) {
		$q['tag_slug__in'] = array_map( 'sanitize_title_for_query', array_unique( (array) $q['tag_slug__in'] ) );
		$tax_query[]       = array(
			'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',
			'terms'    => $q['tag_slug__in'],
			'field'    => 'slug',

	if ( ! empty( $q['tag_slug__and'] ) ) {
		$q['tag_slug__and'] = array_map( 'sanitize_title_for_query', array_unique( (array) $q['tag_slug__and'] ) );
		$tax_query[]        = array(
			'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',
			'terms'    => $q['tag_slug__and'],
			'field'    => 'slug',
			'operator' => 'AND',

	$this->tax_query = new WP_Tax_Query( $tax_query );

	 * Fires after taxonomy-related query vars have been parsed.
	 * @since 3.7.0
	 * @param WP_Query $query The WP_Query instance.
	do_action( 'parse_tax_query', $this );


do_action( ‘parse_tax_query’, WP_Query $query )

Fires after taxonomy-related query vars have been parsed.



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