
In this article

Prints the serialized client-side interactivity data.


Encodes the config and initial state into JSON and prints them inside a script tag of type "application/json". Once in the browser, the state will be parsed and used to hydrate the client-side interactivity stores and the configuration will be available using a getConfig utility.


			return array();
		if ( null === $this->namespace_stack ) {
				__( 'The namespace can only be omitted during directive processing.' ),
			return array();

		$store_namespace = end( $this->namespace_stack );
	if ( ! isset( $this->state_data[ $store_namespace ] ) ) {
		$this->state_data[ $store_namespace ] = array();
	if ( is_array( $state ) ) {
		$this->state_data[ $store_namespace ] = array_replace_recursive(
			$this->state_data[ $store_namespace ],
	return $this->state_data[ $store_namespace ];

 * Gets and/or sets the configuration of the Interactivity API for a given
 * store namespace.
 * If configuration for that store namespace exists, it merges the new
 * provided configuration with the existing one.
 * @since 6.5.0
 * @param string $store_namespace The unique store namespace identifier.
 * @param array  $config          Optional. The array that will be merged with the existing configuration for the
 *                                specified store namespace.
 * @return array The configuration for the specified store namespace. This will be the updated configuration if a
 *               $config argument was provided.



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