WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::skip_script_data(): bool

In this article

This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.

Skips contents of script tags.


bool Whether the script tag was closed before the end of the document.


private function skip_script_data() {
	$state      = 'unescaped';
	$html       = $this->html;
	$doc_length = strlen( $html );
	$at         = $this->bytes_already_parsed;

	while ( false !== $at && $at < $doc_length ) {
		$at += strcspn( $html, '-<', $at );

		 * For all script states a "-->"  transitions
		 * back into the normal unescaped script mode,
		 * even if that's the current state.
		if (
			$at + 2 < $doc_length &&
			'-' === $html[ $at ] &&
			'-' === $html[ $at + 1 ] &&
			'>' === $html[ $at + 2 ]
		) {
			$at   += 3;
			$state = 'unescaped';

		// Everything of interest past here starts with "<".
		if ( $at + 1 >= $doc_length || '<' !== $html[ $at++ ] ) {

		 * Unlike with "-->", the "<!--" only transitions
		 * into the escaped mode if not already there.
		 * Inside the escaped modes it will be ignored; and
		 * should never break out of the double-escaped
		 * mode and back into the escaped mode.
		 * While this requires a mode change, it does not
		 * impact the parsing otherwise, so continue
		 * parsing after updating the state.
		if (
			$at + 2 < $doc_length &&
			'!' === $html[ $at ] &&
			'-' === $html[ $at + 1 ] &&
			'-' === $html[ $at + 2 ]
		) {
			$at   += 3;
			$state = 'unescaped' === $state ? 'escaped' : $state;

		if ( '/' === $html[ $at ] ) {
			$closer_potentially_starts_at = $at - 1;
			$is_closing                   = true;
		} else {
			$is_closing = false;

		 * At this point the only remaining state-changes occur with the
		 * <script> and </script> tags; unless one of these appears next,
		 * proceed scanning to the next potential token in the text.
		if ( ! (
			$at + 6 < $doc_length &&
			( 's' === $html[ $at ] || 'S' === $html[ $at ] ) &&
			( 'c' === $html[ $at + 1 ] || 'C' === $html[ $at + 1 ] ) &&
			( 'r' === $html[ $at + 2 ] || 'R' === $html[ $at + 2 ] ) &&
			( 'i' === $html[ $at + 3 ] || 'I' === $html[ $at + 3 ] ) &&
			( 'p' === $html[ $at + 4 ] || 'P' === $html[ $at + 4 ] ) &&
			( 't' === $html[ $at + 5 ] || 'T' === $html[ $at + 5 ] )
		) ) {

		 * Ensure that the script tag terminates to avoid matching on
		 * substrings of a non-match. For example, the sequence
		 * "<script123" should not end a script region even though
		 * "<script" is found within the text.
		if ( $at + 6 >= $doc_length ) {
		$at += 6;
		$c   = $html[ $at ];
		if ( ' ' !== $c && "\t" !== $c && "\r" !== $c && "\n" !== $c && '/' !== $c && '>' !== $c ) {

		if ( 'escaped' === $state && ! $is_closing ) {
			$state = 'double-escaped';

		if ( 'double-escaped' === $state && $is_closing ) {
			$state = 'escaped';

		if ( $is_closing ) {
			$this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_potentially_starts_at;
			$this->tag_name_starts_at   = $closer_potentially_starts_at;
			if ( $this->bytes_already_parsed >= $doc_length ) {
				return false;

			while ( $this->parse_next_attribute() ) {

			if ( $this->bytes_already_parsed >= $doc_length ) {
				$this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;

				return false;

			if ( '>' === $html[ $this->bytes_already_parsed ] ) {
				return true;


	return false;



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