WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::parse_next_tag(): bool

In this article

This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.

Parses the next tag.


This will find and start parsing the next tag, including the opening <, the potential closer /, and the tag name. It does not parse the attributes or scan to the closing >; these are left for other methods.


bool Whether a tag was found before the end of the document.


		 * Everything of interest past here starts with "<".
		 * Check this character and advance position regardless.
		if ( '<' !== $html[ $at++ ] ) {

		 * Unlike with "-->", the "<!--" only transitions
		 * into the escaped mode if not already there.
		 * Inside the escaped modes it will be ignored; and
		 * should never break out of the double-escaped
		 * mode and back into the escaped mode.
		 * While this requires a mode change, it does not
		 * impact the parsing otherwise, so continue
		 * parsing after updating the state.
		if (
			$at + 2 < $doc_length &&
			'!' === $html[ $at ] &&
			'-' === $html[ $at + 1 ] &&
			'-' === $html[ $at + 2 ]
		) {
			$at   += 3;
			$state = 'unescaped' === $state ? 'escaped' : $state;

		if ( '/' === $html[ $at ] ) {
			$closer_potentially_starts_at = $at - 1;
			$is_closing                   = true;
		} else {
			$is_closing = false;

		 * At this point the only remaining state-changes occur with the
		 * <script> and </script> tags; unless one of these appears next,
		 * proceed scanning to the next potential token in the text.
		if ( ! (
			$at + 6 < $doc_length &&
			( 's' === $html[ $at ] || 'S' === $html[ $at ] ) &&
			( 'c' === $html[ $at + 1 ] || 'C' === $html[ $at + 1 ] ) &&
			( 'r' === $html[ $at + 2 ] || 'R' === $html[ $at + 2 ] ) &&
			( 'i' === $html[ $at + 3 ] || 'I' === $html[ $at + 3 ] ) &&
			( 'p' === $html[ $at + 4 ] || 'P' === $html[ $at + 4 ] ) &&
			( 't' === $html[ $at + 5 ] || 'T' === $html[ $at + 5 ] )
		) ) {

		 * Ensure that the script tag terminates to avoid matching on
		 * substrings of a non-match. For example, the sequence
		 * "<script123" should not end a script region even though
		 * "<script" is found within the text.
		if ( $at + 6 >= $doc_length ) {
		$at += 6;
		$c   = $html[ $at ];
		if ( ' ' !== $c && "\t" !== $c && "\r" !== $c && "\n" !== $c && '/' !== $c && '>' !== $c ) {

		if ( 'escaped' === $state && ! $is_closing ) {
			$state = 'double-escaped';

		if ( 'double-escaped' === $state && $is_closing ) {
			$state = 'escaped';

		if ( $is_closing ) {
			$this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_potentially_starts_at;
			$this->tag_name_starts_at   = $closer_potentially_starts_at;
			if ( $this->bytes_already_parsed >= $doc_length ) {
				return false;

			while ( $this->parse_next_attribute() ) {

			if ( $this->bytes_already_parsed >= $doc_length ) {
				$this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;

				return false;

			if ( '>' === $html[ $this->bytes_already_parsed ] ) {
				return true;


	return false;

 * Parses the next tag.
 * This will find and start parsing the next tag, including
 * the opening `<`, the potential closer `/`, and the tag
 * name. It does not parse the attributes or scan to the
 * closing `>`; these are left for other methods.
 * @since 6.2.0
 * @since 6.2.1 Support abruptly-closed comments, invalid-tag-closer-comments, and empty elements.
 * @return bool Whether a tag was found before the end of the document.
private function parse_next_tag(): bool {

	$html       = $this->html;
	$doc_length = strlen( $html );
	$was_at     = $this->bytes_already_parsed;
	$at         = $was_at;

	while ( $at < $doc_length ) {
		$at = strpos( $html, '<', $at );
		if ( false === $at ) {

		if ( $at > $was_at ) {
			 * A "<" normally starts a new HTML tag or syntax token, but in cases where the
			 * following character can't produce a valid token, the "<" is instead treated
			 * as plaintext and the parser should skip over it. This avoids a problem when
			 * following earlier practices of typing emoji with text, e.g. "<3". This
			 * should be a heart, not a tag. It's supposed to be rendered, not hidden.
			 * At this point the parser checks if this is one of those cases and if it is
			 * will continue searching for the next "<" in search of a token boundary.
			 * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#tag-open-state
			if ( 1 !== strspn( $html, '!/?abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', $at + 1, 1 ) ) {

			$this->parser_state         = self::STATE_TEXT_NODE;
			$this->token_starts_at      = $was_at;
			$this->token_length         = $at - $was_at;
			$this->text_starts_at       = $was_at;
			$this->text_length          = $this->token_length;
			$this->bytes_already_parsed = $at;
			return true;

		$this->token_starts_at = $at;

		if ( $at + 1 < $doc_length && '/' === $this->html[ $at + 1 ] ) {
			$this->is_closing_tag = true;
		} else {
			$this->is_closing_tag = false;

		 * HTML tag names must start with [a-zA-Z] otherwise they are not tags.
		 * For example, "<3" is rendered as text, not a tag opener. If at least
		 * one letter follows the "<" then _it is_ a tag, but if the following
		 * character is anything else it _is not a tag_.
		 * It's not uncommon to find non-tags starting with `<` in an HTML
		 * document, so it's good for performance to make this pre-check before
		 * continuing to attempt to parse a tag name.
		 * Reference:
		 * * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#data-state
		 * * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#tag-open-state
		$tag_name_prefix_length = strspn( $html, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', $at + 1 );
		if ( $tag_name_prefix_length > 0 ) {
			$this->parser_state         = self::STATE_MATCHED_TAG;
			$this->tag_name_starts_at   = $at;
			$this->tag_name_length      = $tag_name_prefix_length + strcspn( $html, " \t\f\r\n/>", $at + $tag_name_prefix_length );
			$this->bytes_already_parsed = $at + $this->tag_name_length;
			return true;

		 * Abort if no tag is found before the end of
		 * the document. There is nothing left to parse.
		if ( $at + 1 >= $doc_length ) {
			$this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;

			return false;

		 * `<!` transitions to markup declaration open state
		 * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#markup-declaration-open-state
		if ( ! $this->is_closing_tag && '!' === $html[ $at + 1 ] ) {
			 * `<!--` transitions to a comment state – apply further comment rules.
			 * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#tag-open-state
			if ( 0 === substr_compare( $html, '--', $at + 2, 2 ) ) {
				$closer_at = $at + 4;
				// If it's not possible to close the comment then there is nothing more to scan.
				if ( $doc_length <= $closer_at ) {
					$this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;

					return false;

				// Abruptly-closed empty comments are a sequence of dashes followed by `>`.
				$span_of_dashes = strspn( $html, '-', $closer_at );
				if ( '>' === $html[ $closer_at + $span_of_dashes ] ) {
					 * @todo When implementing `set_modifiable_text()` ensure that updates to this token
					 *       don't break the syntax for short comments, e.g. `<!--->`. Unlike other comment
					 *       and bogus comment syntax, these leave no clear insertion point for text and
					 *       they need to be modified specially in order to contain text. E.g. to store
					 *       `?` as the modifiable text, the `<!--->` needs to become `<!--?-->`, which
					 *       involves inserting an additional `-` into the token after the modifiable text.
					$this->parser_state = self::STATE_COMMENT;
					$this->comment_type = self::COMMENT_AS_ABRUPTLY_CLOSED_COMMENT;
					$this->token_length = $closer_at + $span_of_dashes + 1 - $this->token_starts_at;

					// Only provide modifiable text if the token is long enough to contain it.
					if ( $span_of_dashes >= 2 ) {
						$this->comment_type   = self::COMMENT_AS_HTML_COMMENT;
						$this->text_starts_at = $this->token_starts_at + 4;
						$this->text_length    = $span_of_dashes - 2;

					$this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + $span_of_dashes + 1;
					return true;

				 * Comments may be closed by either a --> or an invalid --!>.
				 * The first occurrence closes the comment.
				 * See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#parse-error-incorrectly-closed-comment
				--$closer_at; // Pre-increment inside condition below reduces risk of accidental infinite looping.
				while ( ++$closer_at < $doc_length ) {
					$closer_at = strpos( $html, '--', $closer_at );
					if ( false === $closer_at ) {
						$this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;

						return false;

					if ( $closer_at + 2 < $doc_length && '>' === $html[ $closer_at + 2 ] ) {
						$this->parser_state         = self::STATE_COMMENT;
						$this->comment_type         = self::COMMENT_AS_HTML_COMMENT;
						$this->token_length         = $closer_at + 3 - $this->token_starts_at;
						$this->text_starts_at       = $this->token_starts_at + 4;
						$this->text_length          = $closer_at - $this->text_starts_at;
						$this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + 3;
						return true;

					if (
						$closer_at + 3 < $doc_length &&
						'!' === $html[ $closer_at + 2 ] &&
						'>' === $html[ $closer_at + 3 ]
					) {
						$this->parser_state         = self::STATE_COMMENT;
						$this->comment_type         = self::COMMENT_AS_HTML_COMMENT;
						$this->token_length         = $closer_at + 4 - $this->token_starts_at;
						$this->text_starts_at       = $this->token_starts_at + 4;
						$this->text_length          = $closer_at - $this->text_starts_at;
						$this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + 4;
						return true;

			 * `<!DOCTYPE` transitions to DOCTYPE state – skip to the nearest >
			 * These are ASCII-case-insensitive.
			 * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#tag-open-state
			if (
				$doc_length > $at + 8 &&
				( 'D' === $html[ $at + 2 ] || 'd' === $html[ $at + 2 ] ) &&
				( 'O' === $html[ $at + 3 ] || 'o' === $html[ $at + 3 ] ) &&
				( 'C' === $html[ $at + 4 ] || 'c' === $html[ $at + 4 ] ) &&
				( 'T' === $html[ $at + 5 ] || 't' === $html[ $at + 5 ] ) &&
				( 'Y' === $html[ $at + 6 ] || 'y' === $html[ $at + 6 ] ) &&
				( 'P' === $html[ $at + 7 ] || 'p' === $html[ $at + 7 ] ) &&
				( 'E' === $html[ $at + 8 ] || 'e' === $html[ $at + 8 ] )
			) {
				$closer_at = strpos( $html, '>', $at + 9 );
				if ( false === $closer_at ) {
					$this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;

					return false;

				$this->parser_state         = self::STATE_DOCTYPE;
				$this->token_length         = $closer_at + 1 - $this->token_starts_at;
				$this->text_starts_at       = $this->token_starts_at + 9;
				$this->text_length          = $closer_at - $this->text_starts_at;
				$this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + 1;
				return true;

			if (
				'html' !== $this->parsing_namespace &&
				strlen( $html ) > $at + 8 &&
				'[' === $html[ $at + 2 ] &&
				'C' === $html[ $at + 3 ] &&
				'D' === $html[ $at + 4 ] &&
				'A' === $html[ $at + 5 ] &&
				'T' === $html[ $at + 6 ] &&
				'A' === $html[ $at + 7 ] &&
				'[' === $html[ $at + 8 ]
			) {
				$closer_at = strpos( $html, ']]>', $at + 9 );
				if ( false === $closer_at ) {
					$this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;

					return false;

				$this->parser_state         = self::STATE_CDATA_NODE;
				$this->text_starts_at       = $at + 9;
				$this->text_length          = $closer_at - $this->text_starts_at;
				$this->token_length         = $closer_at + 3 - $this->token_starts_at;
				$this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + 3;
				return true;

			 * Anything else here is an incorrectly-opened comment and transitions
			 * to the bogus comment state - skip to the nearest >. If no closer is
			 * found then the HTML was truncated inside the markup declaration.
			$closer_at = strpos( $html, '>', $at + 1 );
			if ( false === $closer_at ) {
				$this->parser_state = self::STATE_INCOMPLETE_INPUT;

				return false;

			$this->parser_state         = self::STATE_COMMENT;
			$this->comment_type         = self::COMMENT_AS_INVALID_HTML;
			$this->token_length         = $closer_at + 1 - $this->token_starts_at;
			$this->text_starts_at       = $this->token_starts_at + 2;
			$this->text_length          = $closer_at - $this->text_starts_at;
			$this->bytes_already_parsed = $closer_at + 1;

			 * Identify nodes that would be CDATA if HTML had CDATA sections.
			 * This section must occur after identifying the bogus comment end
			 * because in an HTML parser it will span to the nearest `>`, even
			 * if there's no `]]>` as would be required in an XML document. It
			 * is therefore not possible to parse a CDATA section containing
			 * a `>` in the HTML syntax.
			 * Inside foreign elements there is a discrepancy between browsers
			 * and the specification on this.
			 * @todo Track whether the Tag Processor is inside a foreign element
			 *       and require the proper closing `]]>` in those cases.
			if (
				$this->token_length >= 10 &&
				'[' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 2 ] &&
				'C' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 3 ] &&
				'D' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 4 ] &&
				'A' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 5 ] &&
				'T' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 6 ] &&
				'A' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 7 ] &&
				'[' === $html[ $this->token_starts_at + 8 ] &&
				']' === $html[ $closer_at - 1 ] &&
				']' === $html[ $closer_at - 2 ]
			) {
				$this->parser_state    = self::STATE_COMMENT;


6.2.1Support abruptly-closed comments, invalid-tag-closer-comments, and empty elements.

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