Features::get_item_features( int $target_item_id, int $tile_depth ): AvifinfoStatus

In this article

This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.

Binds the width, height, bit depth and number of channels from stored internal features.


Id of the item whose features will be bound.
Maximum recursion to search within tile-parent relations.


AvifinfoStatus FOUND on success or NOT_FOUND on failure.


private function get_item_features( $target_item_id, $tile_depth ) {
  foreach ( $this->props as $prop ) {
    if ( $prop->item_id != $target_item_id ) {

    // Retrieve the width and height of the primary item if not already done.
    if ( $target_item_id == $this->primary_item_id &&
         ( $this->primary_item_features['width'] == UNDEFINED ||
           $this->primary_item_features['height'] == UNDEFINED ) ) {
      foreach ( $this->dim_props as $dim_prop ) {
        if ( $dim_prop->property_index != $prop->property_index ) {
        $this->primary_item_features['width']  = $dim_prop->width;
        $this->primary_item_features['height'] = $dim_prop->height;
        if ( $this->primary_item_features['bit_depth'] != UNDEFINED &&
             $this->primary_item_features['num_channels'] != UNDEFINED ) {
          return FOUND;
    // Retrieve the bit depth and number of channels of the target item if not
    // already done.
    if ( $this->primary_item_features['bit_depth'] == UNDEFINED ||
         $this->primary_item_features['num_channels'] == UNDEFINED ) {
      foreach ( $this->chan_props as $chan_prop ) {
        if ( $chan_prop->property_index != $prop->property_index ) {
        $this->primary_item_features['bit_depth']    = $chan_prop->bit_depth;
        $this->primary_item_features['num_channels'] = $chan_prop->num_channels;
        if ( $this->primary_item_features['width'] != UNDEFINED &&
            $this->primary_item_features['height'] != UNDEFINED ) {
          return FOUND;

  // Check for the bit_depth and num_channels in a tile if not yet found.
  if ( $tile_depth < 3 ) {
    foreach ( $this->tiles as $tile ) {
      if ( $tile->parent_item_id != $target_item_id ) {
      $status = $this->get_item_features( $tile->tile_item_id, $tile_depth + 1 );
      if ( $status != NOT_FOUND ) {
        return $status;
  return NOT_FOUND;

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