26 results found for “posts”. Showing results 1 to 25.
What is AJAX? AJAX is the acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. XML is a data exchange format and UX is software developer shorthand for User Experience. Ajax is an Internet communications technique that allows a web page displayed in a user’s browser to request specific information from a server and display this new information…
Using jQuery Your jQuery script runs on the user’s browser after your WordPress webpage is received. A basic jQuery statement has two parts: a selector that determines which HTML elements the code applies to, and an action or event, which determines what the code does or what it reacts to. The basic event statement looks…
Metadata is information about information. In the case of WordPress, it’s information associated with posts, users, comments and terms. Given the many-to-one relationship of metadata in WordPress, your options are fairly limitless. You can have as many meta options as you wish, and you can store just about anything in there. This chapter will discuss managing…
Overview The REST API is very simple in many ways. There is input, known as the request. The input is interpreted by the server and output is created. The output, is known as the response. In some ways, you can think of a request to the WordPress REST API as a set of directions or…
WordPress 4.4 introduced the infrastructure for a REST API. The REST API provides an easy way to get data into and out of WordPress. Data can be retrieved and stored by sending HTTP requests to the REST API server. The REST API takes advantage of different HTTP methods. GET should be used for retrieving data from the…
Overview Responses in the API are what holds all of the data we want. If we made a mistake in our request, our response’s data should also inform us that an error occurred. Responses in the WordPress REST API should return the data we requested or an error message. Responses in the API are handled…
Add a Sub-Menu To add a new Sub-menu to WordPress Administration, use the add_submenu_page() function. Example Lets say we want to add a Sub-menu “WPOrg Options” to the “Tools” Top-level menu. The first step will be creating a function which will output the HTML. In this function we will perform the necessary security checks and…
WordPress stores the Post Types in the posts table allowing developers to register Custom Post Types along the ones that already exist. This chapter will show you how to register Custom Post Types, how to retrieve their content from the database, and how to render them to the public.
Plugins are packages of code that extend the core functionality of WordPress. WordPress plugins are made up of PHP code and can include other assets such as images, CSS, and JavaScript. By making your own plugin you are extending WordPress, i.e. building additional functionality on top of what WordPress already offers. For example, you could write a plugin…
Overview When writing endpoints it can be helpful to use a controller class to handle the functionality of an endpoint. Controller classes will provide a standard way to interact with the API and also a more maintainable way to interact with the API. WordPress’s current minimum PHP version is 5.2, if you are developing endpoints…
There are lot of ins and outs to hosting WordPress plugins. Please take a minute to see if your question is answered here before reaching out for assistance. The Plugin Review Team How do I contact the Plugin Review team? You can contact us by email at plugins@wordpress.org – we reply to all emails within…
The Debug Bar is a plugin that adds a debug menu to the admin bar that shows query, cache, and other helpful debugging information. Debug Bar This is the main plugin, adding the base functionality that is extended by the remaining plugins listed on this page. When WP_DEBUG is enabled it also tracks PHP Warnings…
Roles and capabilities are two important aspects of WordPress that allow you to control user privileges. WordPress stores the Roles and their Capabilities in the options table under the user_roles key. Roles A role defines a set of capabilities for a user. For example, what the user may see and do in his dashboard. By…
Overview The REST API provides us a way to match URIs to various resources in our WordPress install. By default, if you have pretty permalinks enabled, the WordPress REST API “lives” at /wp-json/. At our WordPress site https://ourawesomesite.com, we can access the REST API’s index by making a GET request to https://ourawesomesite.com/wp-json/. The index provides…
If your plugin allows users to submit data—be it on the Admin or the Public side—it should check for User Capabilities. User Roles and Capabilities The most important step in creating an efficient security layer is having a user permission system in place. WordPress provides this in the form of User Roles and Capabilities. Every…
If you are writing a plugin for WordPress, you will almost certainly find that you need to store some information in the WordPress database. There are two types of information you could store: This article describes how to have your plugin automatically create a MySQL/MariaDB table to store its data. Note that as an alternative…
People cease development on their plugins for a variety of reasons. Instead of letting those plugins stagnate, we encourage people to instead list them for adoption by another, more active, developer. In adopting a plugin, you are promising to be responsible for all future development, and to ensure the plugin (and you) comply with all…
WordPress comes with five default post types: post, page, attachment, revision, and menu. While developing your plugin, you may need to create your own specific content type: for example, products for an e-commerce website, assignments for an e-learning website, or movies for a review website. Using Custom Post Types, you can register your own post…
This information is here for historical purposes. If you’re not interested in how terms worked prior to 2015, you can skip this section. Prior to WordPress 4.2 Terms in different taxonomies with the same slug shared a single term ID. For instance, a tag and a category with the slug “news” had the same term…
Custom Post Type Templates You can create custom templates for your custom post types. In the same way posts and their archives can be displayed using single.php and archive.php, you can create the templates: single-{post_type}.php – for single posts of a custom post type archive-{post_type}.php – for the archive Where {post_type} is the post type…
Introduction to Taxonomies To understand what Taxonomies are and what they do please read the Taxonomy introduction. Custom Taxonomies As classification systems go, “Categories” and “Tags” aren’t very structured, so it may be beneficial for a developer to create their own. WordPress allows developers to create Custom Taxonomies. Custom Taxonomies are useful when one wants…
In order to make a string translatable in your application you have to wrap the original string in a call to one of a set of special functions. These functions collectively are known as “gettext.” Introduction to Gettext WordPress uses the gettext libraries and tools for i18n, but not directly: there are a set of…
Every person who pushes code for, or aids in support for, a plugin is required to have their OWN individual account. These accounts do not have to be personally identifying (that is, you can name them PluginNameSupport1 if you wanted), however all accounts must be used by a single human for your own protection. There…
You’ve written the next Hello Dolly and you want the world to use it. What should you do? 1. Test once and test again With any luck, your plugin will be used by lots of people in many different situations and hosting environments. You’ll want to make sure you’ve tested your plugin to make sure it…
In WordPress 4.9.6, new tools were added to make compliance easier with laws like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR for short. Among the tools added is a Personal Data Removal tool which supports erasing/anonymizing personal data for a given user. It does NOT delete registered user accounts – that is still…