122 results found for “mail”. Showing results 26 to 50.
Filters the email sent following an automatic background core update.
Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php:1139 -
Filters the text of the email sent when a change of user email address is attempted.
Filters whether an email address is unsafe.
Filters the text of the email sent when a change of site admin email address is attempted.
Filters the subject of the email sent when a change of site admin email address is attempted.
Filters whether to send the email change email.
Filters the email address of a user being registered.
Fires inside the admin-email-confirm-form form tags, before the hidden fields.
Filters the comment author’s returned email address.
Filters the comment author’s email cookie before it is set.
Filters the original content of the email.
Filters the text for the email sent to the site admin when a request to delete a site in a Multisite network is submitted.
Filters the debug information included in the fatal error protection email.
Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-includes/class-wp-recovery-mode-email-service.php:150 -
Filters the content of the welcome email after user activation.
Filters the interval for redirecting the user to the admin email confirmation screen.
Filters whether to send the password change email.
Filters the interval for dismissing the admin email confirmation screen.
Filters whether to send an email following an automatic background core update.
Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php:935 -
Filters the support message sent with the the fatal error protection email.
Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-includes/class-wp-recovery-mode-email-service.php:141 -
Filters whether to send an email following an automatic background theme update.
Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php:1189 -
Filters the amount of time the recovery mode email link is valid for.
Filters whether to send the retrieve password email.
Filters the debug email that can be sent following an automatic background core update.
Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php:1715 -
Filters whether to send an email following an automatic background plugin update.
Used by 1 function | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php:1166 -
Filters the contents of the email notification sent when the site admin email address is changed.