385 results found for “is_”. Showing results 376 to 385.
Core class used to modify attributes in an HTML document for tags matching a query.
Used by 2 functions | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-includes/html-api/class-wp-html-tag-processor.php:411 -
Retrieves the current development mode.
Loads and primes caches of certain often requested network options if is_multisite().
Marks allowed redirect hosts safe for HTTP requests as well.
Fires after the is_user_logged_in() check in the comment form.
Adds any domain in a multisite installation for safe HTTP requests to the allowed list.
Sets a bookmark in the HTML document.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-includes/html-api/class-wp-html-processor.php:2001 -
Registers the shutdown handler for fatal errors.
Determine if global tables should be upgraded.
Sets a bookmark in the HTML document.
Used by 0 functions | Uses 0 functions | Source: wp-includes/html-api/class-wp-html-tag-processor.php:1212