Explore how JSON Schema can help you catch errors early and streamline your WordPress development process for block themes, custom blocks or blueprints.
WordPress 6.5 brings drop shadow options to the end user. This post summarizes how to use the controls for various blocks, and how to remove core presets.
Whether it’s blog posts, documentation or sell copy, great typography can transform your long copy from a hard slog to a great read. In just four steps! Find out how in part 3 of the WordPress Developer Blog’s type series.
Learn how to work with custom settings in theme.json files to make CSS custom properties even more powerful.
This is the first in a series of six posts that are all about typography on the web: what does great type look like? How do you set it? And why do we care? This first post covers the language of type—basic type terminology.
Discover the possibilities of theme.json server-side filters, from dynamically modifying color palettes to restricting block controls based on user permissions.
A walk-through of adding per-block CSS using in theme.json that covers tips, tricks, and pitfalls.
A tutorial that walks through configuring global space settings and styles and provides tips, tricks, and workarounds for custom use cases.
If you have been wondering how to learn everything you can about block theme development, then this post is for you. The links in this post have been collected from official WordPress sources and categorized to help you learn more about block themes and related topics.