Have you ever run into a situation where you needed to unregister a block pattern in your theme? There may be many scenarios where you’d do this, but one of my primary reasons is to hide the “Your site doesn’t include support for the [Block Name] block” message from users when a pattern contains an unregistered block.
Use this PHP snippet to unregister patterns when specific blocks are unavailable. Just add the block names you want to test against as keys for the $maybe_unregister
array with the pattern slugs as the values.
add_action( 'init', 'devblog_unregister_patterns', 999 );
function devblog_unregister_patterns() {
$blocks = WP_Block_Type_Registry::get_instance();
$maybe_unregister = [
'core/table-of-contents' => [
'pluginslug/block-name' => [
foreach ( $maybe_unregister as $block => $patterns ) {
if ( ! $blocks->is_registered( $block ) ) {
foreach ( $patterns as $pattern ) {
unregister_block_pattern( $pattern );
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