With the introduction of block inspector tabs in WordPress 6.2, block developers have more control over where custom controls should appear by leveraging the group of the InspectorControls component.
The @wordpress/data and @wordpress/core-data packages are extremely useful for fetching and working with data in your block development projects, but they are not exactly intuitive to use. This tutorial introduces you to useEntityRecords which is a custom React hook that makes fetching data a great deal easier for the developer.
The fourth edition of a monthly roundup that brings you all the latest features, updates, and fixes you need to know about for extending WordPress.
Learn how WordPress uses Webpack to manage importing from the built-in packages that ship with WordPress.
The third edition of a monthly series that cuts through all the noise of a busy development cycle and brings you the latest features, updates, and fixes you need to know about to build on top of WordPress.
wp-env is a tool that allows developers to create a WordPress development environment from the command line with zero configuration. Learn how to install and use wp-env, and discover the benefits that it provides over other local development environments.
Welcome to the second edition of this monthly series. If you’re a developer who builds on top of the WordPress platform, this news is for you. The goal is to make it easier to navigate the fast-paced development cycle, narrowing down the list of must-read content […]
There’s no need to use a dynamic block if you foresee that your block will change and evolve over time. You can use a static block and use Block Deprecation whenever you update your block. This tutorial post shows you how.
Learn tips and tricks for creating blocks from existing shortcodes, based on real world examples. Understand when a shortcode should be converted to a block, processes to follow to convert blocks, and useful block development practices.
Learn how to create a custom dynamic block that saves information to custom post_meta and creates a one-to-one experience in both the block editor and on the front end. You will see an example of how to to use @wordpress/create-block package to scaffold a block.