WordPress 6.1 introduced several necessary changes to its layout framework. Namely, core has now centralized its layout definitions, created semantic class names, and reduced code duplication on container blocks. Originally, this post was intended to be a quick look at the changes to the system […]
As 2022 draws to a close we review the past year from a block developer’s point of view. We review all the latest developments in the block editor and survey the resources that became available over the year. We end with a look forward at what’s to come in 2023.
A step-by-step tutorial for building a custom Query Loop block variation and integrating it with custom post meta.
Editor related Javascript code is full of references to withDispatch, withSelect and compose. This article briefly explains why these methods are important, what they’re used for and how to use them. withDispatch, withSelect and compose are a triad of Gutenberg methods that are often used […]
With each major WordPress update, theme authors gain access to new tools that decrease their development workload and can increase the performance of their themes. Most of these improvements in the last few releases come from theme.json updates. The theme.json file adds extra settings and […]
Web developers looking to get started with block development face a bewildering array of learning and reference resources. This post will guide you through the learning process and help you to get started with block development.
In WordPress 5.0, the WordPress SlotFill system was introduced as part of the Gutenberg project and is the extension paradigm that allows developers to extend the UIs introduced with the Gutenberg project such as the Post Editor and the Site Editor.
A WordPress user can choose the type of content displayed on the homepage. A new WordPress site’s default behavior is to display a view of the website’s most recent posts. However, it is also possible to set a static page as the homepage. Changing the […]
One of the big-picture goals for 2022 was to create a developer-focused site. Since then, contributors have been working toward making such a site a reality. Today, I’m happy to announce its beta launch. What does it mean to have this type of developer-focused site? […]
Throughout most of WordPress’ history, classic theme development was a template-first affair. Templates housed the structure of the eventual document that would appear on any given front-end page. However, the block paradigm allows for a rethinking of how developers approach theme creation. More and more, […]